

“The topic could not be more important. A very valuable and surely timely contribution.”

Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof Max Otte3

“A must read for everyone rising against the system that is destroying life on earth and our future.”
Vandana Shiva, World Future Council, founder of


Jean Ziegler

“A magnificent book, that couldn’t be more topical. We owe gratitude,
solidarity and a lot of admiration to the author.”

Jean Ziegler, Advisory Committee to the UN Human Rights Council



“A fascinating new take on the parts of human history that got us where we are today. It’s a disturbing story, but it offers some clues on the way out of our box canyon.”
Bill McKibben, climate activist and founder of


Andrea Komlosy

“This book is a loud alarm that must not be ignored.”
Nnimmo Bassey, Director, Health of Mother Earth Foundation, Nigeria


Rober Junk Bibliothek

“This book, a sensation in Germany when it was first published, challenges us
to seek a new path for our and the planet’s survival.”

Maude Barlow, Chairperson of the Council of the Canadians



“A fascinating book, delightful to read in spite of the grim topic.
This is an excellent reflection on the terror/hope that we are living.”

John Holloway, Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico


“What a brilliant achievement—a wonderfully coherent, cogent and gripping story of the historical origins of the political, economic, social and ecological crises of our times. You can’t be a serious activist committed to creating a new world if you haven’t read this.”
Firoze Manji, Carleton University; founder of Pambazuka News


Christian-Felber-Portrait-3-1024x1024The End of the Megamachine is an informed and clearly written chronicle of how societies have reached the dire situation we now face. Going on from our perch on the precipice, do we accumulate ourselves into barbaric death under the rule the Megamachine? Or do we cooperate ourselves into civilized life by ending the Megamachine, and not ourselves? Scheidler offers historical insights meant to fuel the liberating outcome.”
Michael Albert , founder and editor of Z Magazine



“A highly original and fascinating book. It helps to understand
and overcome the global Megamachine that is threatening our future.”
Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, president of the Club of Rome (2012–2018)


Christian-Felber-Portrait-3-1024x1024“Fabian Scheidlers book paints a uniquely complete picture of the historical roots of capitalism.
It is a profound mirror for the Western world, which is talking so much about values,
peace and democracy
. For me, the book has a greater value than everything I learned
about history at school.”

Christian Felber, founder of the „Economy for the Common Good“



“An eye-opener for social activists. A history of western civilization of only 300 pages:
no wonder that the book has such a great success! Fabian Scheidler brilliantly succeeds
in highlighting the rupture points in this process.”

Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute / Club of Rome; author of „The Development Dictionary“


Andrea Komlosy

“A masterstroke“
Andrea Komlosy, historian, Vienna University / Yale

Rober Junk Bibliothek
Top 10 of non-fiction in 2015“
Robert Jungk Library for Future Studies


helmut-trischler“Fabian Scheidler impressively proves that a deep understanding of the past is indispensible to  better comprehend the present. The book highlights the necessity of profound changes in the relationship between humans and nature, society and the environment.
Helmuth Trischler, historian,
director of the research department, German Museum Munich

Excerpts from reviews in English

Der Freitag

A thoroughly worthwhile read with a wealth of useful and relevant information.“ Morning Star

Publik Forum“Scheidler looks at the emergence of modern civilisation and the capitalist system from new and unusual perspectives. A valuable contribution.” Socialist Standard

Der Freitag

A  spanning survey of civilization from its inception to the present. Scheidler has focused the key issue (…) He leaves us with a sense of possibilities.” Counterpunch

Excerpts from reviews (English)

Der Freitag

A thoroughly worthwhile read with a wealth of useful and relevant information.“

Publik Forum“Scheidler looks at the emergence of modern civilisation and the capitalist system from new and unusual perspectives. A valuable contribution.”

Der Freitag

A  spanning survey of civilization from its inception to the present. Scheidler has focused the key issue (…) He leaves us with a sense of possibilities.“

Fabian Scheidler ne se contente pas de décrire un cul-de-sac mais propose d’examiner autrement le récit fondateur de la civilisation occidentale moderne. On peut voir cet ouvrage engagé comme un manuel de résistance, une réflexion motivante qui se résume en une question: quelle organisation sociale souhaitons-nous ? Le Temps, Suisse

“Cette analyse, très documentée, démonte les mythes et récits qui ont glorifié et naturalisé les rapports de domination.”
Le Monde diplomatique

Der Freitag

Le livre nous fait comprendre comment la folie d’aujourd’hui est née. Vous ne vous sentez plus confus et impuissant, mais prêt pour un nouveau départ.“ Der Freitag

Taz “Une lecture éminemment recommandable.”
Taz. Die Tageszeitung

WOZLe livre ouvre notre regard sur des contextes souvent négligés. L’histoire n’est pas présentée dans le cadre de disciplines distinctes (politiques, sociales, économiques, culturelles), mais dans ses interdépendances.” Der Standard (Autriche)

Der Freitag

“Une lecture très méritante qui contient une multitude d’informations utiles et pertinentes.” Morning Star


“Raconter l’histoire de l’Occident sous un angle nouveau, c’est le pari réussi de Fabian Scheidler dans cette somme qui se lit avec un intérêt qui ne se relâche jamais. […] Tout est passionnant.” Reporterre

Publik ForumCe livre devrait faire partie des programmes de toutes les écoles et universités.”
Prof. Ulrich Duchrow dans le quinzomadaire allemand “Publik Forum”

Zeitpunkt“Bien fondé et très original.”
 “Zeitpunkt” (mensuel suisse)

WOZ “Fabian Scheidler n’a pas seulement écrit une histoire économique du capitalisme : il en a fait une remarquable histoire psychologique.”
WOZ. Die Wochenzeitung (Suisse)

Kölner Stadtanzeiger

Scheidler réussit à expliquer des développements complexes et aide à naviguer dans la jungle du chaos quotidien de l’information.”
Kölner Stadtanzeiger

Publik Forum

“Scheidler xamine l’émergence de la civilisation moderne et du système capitaliste sous des angles nouveaux et inhabituels. Une contribution précieuse.” Socialist Standard

Der Freitag

“Une étude approfondie de la civilisation depuis ses débuts jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Scheidler s’est concentré sur la question clé (…) Il nous laisse avec un sentiment de possibilités”.

Excerpts from reviews in French

“This well-documented analysis dismantles the myths and narratives that have glorified and naturalized relations of domination.”
Le Monde diplomatique

Telling the history of Western civilization from a new angle is Fabian Scheidler’s successful gamble in this comprehensive synopsis. A fascinating read throughout.” Hervé Kempf, Reporterre

“Fabian Scheidler does not just describe a dead end, but proposes a new way of looking at the founding narrative of modern Western civilization. This committed work can be seen as a manual of resistance, a motivating reflection that boils down to one question: what kind of social organization do we want?“ Le Temps, Suisse

For more reviews, interviews and reports (Radio France Culture, Libération, Le Nouvel Observateur and many other media) please visit

Excerpts from reviews in Spanish

“Scheidler’s prose has a great narrative drive, full of historical examples, facts and documents, leaving no room for tedium.” El País

Excerpts from reviews in Italian

“The work makes us realize (…) that the fundamental problem of modern societies is not only that of the environment or income inequality or increasingly looming financial instability, but that all these problems are in some way interrelated. Thus, the concluding diagnosis is credible: current policies for the environment are totally inadequate.” Marco Onado in Il Sole 24 Ore

“In his remarkable book, Fabian Scheidler tells the story of the first power structures up to the birth of Western universalism with its myth of modernity, and further from the 15th century to the present day.” Alfonso Berardinelli in Il Foglio Quotidiano

Excerpts from reviews in German

Der Freitag

“The book makes us understand how todays madness came into being. You do not feel uncomprehending and powerless unymore, but ready for a new start.“ The German weekly Der Freitag

Publik Forum“This book should become part of the curricula of all schools and universities.”
Prof. Ulrich Duchrow in the German biweekly Publik Forum

Taz “An extremely good read”
The German daily Taz. Die Tageszeitung

Zeitpunkt“Well-founded and highly original.”
The Swiss monthly Zeitpunkt

WOZ “Fabian Scheidler has written not only an economic but also a remarkable psychological history of capitalism.”
The Swiss weekly WOZ

Kölner Stadtanzeiger

“Scheidler succeeds in explaining complex developments und helps to navigate through the jungle of the everyday information chaos.”
The German daily “Kölner Stadtanzeiger”

WOZ “The book opens our view for contexts that are often overlooked. History is not presented in the frames of distinct disciplines (political, social, economic, cultural) , but in its interdependencies.” The Austrian daily Der Standard


For a list of interviews in English, French, Spanish and Italian please visit

Interviews in English

Interviews and reviews in German