Stimmen zum Buch


“The topic could not be more important. A very valuable and surely timely contribution. I am very sympathetic with the approach.”

Prof. Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof Max Otte3

“A highly original and fascinating book. It helps to understand and overcome the global Megamachine that is threatening our future.”
Prof. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, president of the Club of Rome

Christian-Felber-Portrait-3-1024x1024“Fabian Scheidlers book paints a uniquely complete picture of the historical roots of capitalism. It is a profound mirror for the Western world, which is talking so much about values, peace and democracy. For me, the book has a greater value than everything I learned about history at school.”
Christian Felber, founder of the „Economy for the Common Good“


“An eye-opener for social activists. (…) A history of western civilization of only 250 pages: no wonder that the book has such a great success! Fabian Scheidler brilliantly succeeds in highlighting the rupture points in this process.”
Prof. Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute / Club of Rome; author of „The Development Dictionary“

Andrea Komlosy

“A masterstroke“
Andrea Komlosy, Professor at Vienna University / Yale

Rober Junk Bibliothek
Top 10 of non-fiction in 2015“

helmut-trischler“Fabian Scheidler stellt eindrucksvoll unter Beweis, dass es einer tiefen Kenntnis der Vergangenheit bedarf, um die Gegenwart besser zu verstehen. Das Buch macht die Notwendigkeit tiefgreifender Veränderungen im Verhältnis von Mensch und Natur, Gesellschaft und Umwelt, mehr als deutlich.”
Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler, Historiker
Museumsleitung Bereich Forschung, Deutsches Museum München


Der Freitag

The book makes us understand how todays madness came into being. You do not feel uncomprehending and powerless unymore, but ready for a new start.“
The German weekly “Der Frietag

Publik Forum“This book should become part of the curricula of all schools and universities.”
Prof. Ulrich Duchrow in the German biweekly “Publik Forum”

Taz “An extremely good read”
The German daily “Taz. Die Tageszeitung“

Zeitpunkt“Well-founded and highly original.”
The Swiss monthly “Zeitpunkt”

WOZ “Fabian Scheidler has written not only an economic but also a remarkable psychological history of capitalism.”
The Swiss weekly “WOZ”

Kölner Stadtanzeiger

“Scheidler succeeds in explaining complex developments und helps to navigate through the jungle of everydays information chaos.”
The German daily “Kölner Stadtanzeiger”

WOZ “The book opens our view for contexts that are often overlooked. History is not presented in the frames of distinct disciplines (political, social, economic, cultural) , but in its interdependencies.”
The Austrian daily “Der Standard

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